Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shout Out

I just spent the evening with some amazing women. These women have overcome the toughest of life circumstances. They've endured things and situations that would make most people crumble in fear or lose hope. I can honestly say that they have a resilience that is inspiring. It springs from their faith that there is a God that loves them and has a plan for them. Even though they may have their moments of wondering how a loving God could've been present in the midst of some traumatic things, they choose to believe that He is the reason they have made it this far. They've seen evidence of His healing in their lives and that He has empowered them to use their trials to help those around them. Add to that they are all at least 3-5 years younger than me. I can't wait to see how much more amazing they are in another 3-5 years. They are truly going to be used to change the world around them.


Jannie said...

Reading about the problems that other people have to face makes one stop and think that our problems pale in comparison to some. We don't realize just how blessed we are and how ashamed we should be when we complain about the insignificant things. Sometimes we just need to have a little wake up call. Thanks for giving me that wake up call.

Love you!

shauna said...

may they change the world!