Friday, August 28, 2009


Welcome to another blog entry inspired by music. The song is "Everything" by Tim Hughes. I was listening to this song for the millionth time today (it was literally on repeat for my entire trip from home to work this morning) when something about it hit me at a deeper level. I began thinking about the level of detail involved in declaring God to be in my breathing, sleeping, and thinking (and by thinking I don't mean those moments of deep contemplation but the moments where the thoughts are random). Some Christians might say that focusing on God in every thought, breath, moment of sleep or aspect of work is over-spiritualizing things. And to those people I would say, "You've obviously never struggled with depression before." This is one of those moments where I don't want to live up to my blog's name but will choose to lay aside my pride and do it anyway. Only because the topic is one that still hits my pride where it hurts. Since about 2005 I've been dealing with the fact that depression is a recurrent struggle I have. For me it's not every single moment or day of my life. It comes more in seasons. Sometimes I know the instigator and sometimes I don't. There's a lot in regard to this part o fmyself that I'm still trying to figure out but 2 things I know: 1)I don't like how it makes me feel so unlike my true self and 2)It is absolutely necessary that God is in every single moment of that season of lows. I can't even begin to imagine how I would get thorugh a day during a low without inviting God to be in each moment. Some days I'm not sure if I would be able to function well if I didn't. This leads me to another part of the song that I feel such joy in my spirit each time I hear and sing along with it. The line is "Christ in me the hope of glory." As a human and apart from Christ I'm totally defeated when it comes to this issue. But when I invite Christ in there's not only hope, but hope of glory. That goes far and away beyond simply getting through the day and speaks to the possibility of actually being able to add something positive to my part of the world. I by no means have it all figured out when it comes to working through the blue funk (see one of my really early blogs to clear up confusion on that term) but praise God there's hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this and being bold (and naked) enough to share! I love you!