Sunday, April 13, 2008

Joy comes in the morning...

I wish I could put into words the loveliness and peace of this morning. Last night it rained. It was the first big rain since I arrived. Nothing unremarkable, just your typical downpour and then a steady rainfall. Yet as I sat outside this morning, it felt as if something was different compared to other mornings. Somehow things look greener. There was a soft breeze and a nice stillness broken only by the sounds of the birds. Even those sounds seem to have a calm about them. Everything seems refreshed. It's as if all creation senses the change, and with the refreshment a restful calm has settled on everything. It brings such calm to my own spirit this morning. With the ache I felt deep in my spirit yesterday as I struggled with something, it's almost as if God sent His own refreshing rain to wash away the build-up of sadness, false thoughts and insecurities so I could once again get to the surface where His presence and deep love can be seen and felt again. The only possible outcome of this can be peace and rest. Thank You God.


Anonymous said...

I like to read Psalm 96 at times like that...

love you!

carol said...

Ah, I can feel the peace from here. There is great relief in living day by day. It will be tempting to look ahead, or even think too much on days past. God has given you this day, it's all you need.

Jannie said...

I could almost feel the peace just looking at the picture. I am almost jealous of you for being there. I would love to experience it with you. Relish the time you are there.

Amy said...

Oh friends I'm so glad for this refreshing for you.

Amy said...

oops I meant friend (singular :).